MCA has futher extended the last date of registration of detail of Independent Director Data Bank by 2 Months via Notification Dated 29th April 2020. Now, last date of Registration is Seven Months from 1st December 2019.
Rule 6 of Appointment and Qualification of Director (Creation and Maintenance of Databank of Persons Offering to Become Independent Directors)
This rule is substituted by a notification Dated 22nd October 2019 and come into force with effect from 1st December 2019 as:
Rule 6- Every individual –
(a) who has been appointed as an independent director in a company, on the date of commencement of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Fifth Amendment Rules, 2019, shall within a period of (Three Months, Five Month) seven months from such commencement; or
(b) who intends to get appointed as an independent director in a company after such commencement, shall before such appointment,
apply online to the institute for inclusion of his name in the data bank for a period of one year or five years or for his life-time, and from time to time take steps as specified in sub-rule (2), till he continues to hold the office of an independent director in any company:
Provided that any individual, including an individual not having DIN, may voluntarily apply to the institute for inclusion of his name in the data bank.